Professional Web Developer

Looking for a professional web developer to help you with your website or application?

Do you have an idea for a project and need to talk to a professional developer?

Web Design and Development
Web Development

When considering the development of a new website or the updating of an existing website it's important to keep in mind who your target audience is. Knowing what your customer wants is paramount to the success of a website.

When you understand your customer and know what it is that they want from the product or service you are offering you are well on the way to attracting the type of customer you want.

Developing the website in accordance with this customer focus is important as delivering the right customer experience will cause the customer to engage with your offering delivering a more positive outcome.

Web Applications Design and Development
Web Applicaion Development

Designing and Building business applications is a complex task. Specifying and documenting the project is important to make sure the final development is in line with what you expected. Choosing the right platform and framework is also very important. Knowing how the application is going to be used will help in the type of hosting the application will require.

There are many facets to consider when developing a business web application. To find out more about application development contact me using the contact form and I will respond to your enquiry immediately as I understand the importance of these projects to your business.

Mobile Application Development
Mobile App Development

The development of a mobile application requires careful planning. Once you have formed the idea the idea needs to be tested to see if there is a commercial value. Perhaps you have already established the necessity of the app and just need it designed and built.

Before commencing the build process it is wise to create a specification document that lays out all the modules and processes that the app will need to perform.

There are different types of apps like progressive web apps that are websites the when accessed on a mobile device can turn into mobile apps. You also need to decide which platforms you are going to be compatible with ie: Android, Apple and Microsoft as each platform have specific requirements.

If you want to know more about mobile application development contact me.

Domain Name Registeration
Website Hosting
Internet Marketing
Web Hosting

Choosing the right domain name is sometimes difficult, more often than not the name you want has been taken and you have to think your way around the problem. Shorter names are better than long names and meaningful names that relate to the content on your website help your website gain a bit more traction with the search engines. Choosing the right domain name host is also important.

Choosing the right website hosting is critical as it can be the difference between your site loading fast or slow. Slow loading websites have a much greater bounce rate as people don't like waiting for websites to load.

Knowing how to get traffic to your website is important. There are many ways to attract visitors to your website and some ways are faster than others and some cost more than others. If you want to understand how to get more traffic to your website and have the traffic convert into new business contact me.

When starting on a web project whether it be a mobile app, website, web application or just an upgrade of an existing site or system it's imperative that you plan it carefully. Creating a written plan and a flow diagram of the proposed project highlighting all the steps and modules of each section.

I recommend talking to me before starting your next project so I can highlight any areas that you might not have thought of so your next project can be a success.